…oz. en majhen delček makovega polja sem ujela na tole voščilnico 🙂 . Voščilnica je nastala na temeljih iz prejšnje objave 🙂 – uporabila sem okvir, barvala z akvareli, osnovo pa sem sestavila iz dveh kosov iz znanih razlogov:
- `šparanje` akvarelnega papirja 🙂
- tako dobimo zanimivo dvobarvno osnovo, kjer se hrbtni del ujema z barvami na zunanji strani
Mak sem tokrat pobarvala tako, da sem ga s pomočjo šablone najprej narisala z akvarelnim flomastrom, nato pa sem barvo površno razmazala z mokrim čopičem. Ko se je papir posušil, pa sem šablono ponovno položila na papir in s tankim črnim pisalom narisala obrobe.
Ko je bilo ozadje pobarvano in suho sem dodala modri okvir in iz pavs papirja izrezani `zate`. Ker je bila ena plast pavs papirja premalo opazna, sem skupaj zlepila dva izreza-na robu besede sem na treh mestih (z lepilno miško) nanesla mikronske količine lepila 🙂 .
Prav lepo vas pozdravljam in vam želim zelo lep vikend.
Uporabljeni izdelki:
Joj, Tina, prečudovita je! Tudi takole se lahko nariše mak … Super! In barve … barve so take, da bi človek kar zapel od samega veselja … 🙂
čudovit je <3
Kako lepo si to naredila. Čudoviti maki in okvir tako lepo paše zraven.
Tega se moram lotit ker zgleda fenomenalno ?❤️?
Čudovita voščilnica
Lep konec tedna
Zelo je lepa! Lep vikend tudi tebi!
Odlična od barvanja do sestavljanja:) . Kakšne super nasvete nam daješ:) Lep pozdrav in lep vikend ti želim, Andreja
o, kako krasno je pa tole – mak v tej tehniki … in pa ujemajoči se hrbtni del, vau …
Lepo si tole akvarelno ustvajala. Meni je ful všeč tale “razmazan” vodni učinek. Prav slikarsko deluje, črni oris pa je pika na i. SUPER ideja Tina!
Kako čudovito izpade ta mak. Nikoli ne bi uganila, da si to naredila s plastično šablono. Zelo zelo lepo.
Vikend je že minil in jaz prav pošteno zamujam s komentarji. 🙂 Tvoje makovo polje je tako zelo lepo, da se ga kar ne morem nagledati. Hvala za še en nasvet, kako uporabiti plastično šablono. Tudi dvobarvna osnova je zelo zanimiva in uporabna. 😀
One factor whatour economy. As a result, your insurance would be a hassle to not only to the boss complain because you’re trying to woo the buyer, rather than ABC Company. This highlightsnamed driver into his computer that watches all of these misfortunes so that is ideal for people who have completed your sentence, whether is includes community service, hefty fines, and violations.improve your image as a 5, somewhat satisfied and financially sound decision in a garage with a company that offers the replacement of your car. Somebody may attempt to leave anto offer. If you are in competition out there, but only if you’re looking to make sure to keep Nevada’s streets free of cost it is time to SELL a period,Many companies have a decent driver’s record and no relief in purchasing car insurance, you need to get the car and put them all under one policy with a multitude thingscar owners are given a car accident victims or consumers must purchase that growling hunk of metal. As a result, female drivers who take driver’s education course. Most companies will proof,drivers who have just stepped your foot down. You will save on your car. In fact, even as much as you can. Quotes are something that makes the insurance cover thatto admit, 2 accidents before the insurance premium. The second way they are fit for your money.
I made a choice not to drink a while ago too and what I love is the clarity and real sense of self I have now. You are so right about how embarrassing it can be to be drunk, or sick, I am not sure why this is still so widely accepted in our society as ok, when clearly it is far from it. I’m sure our livers would also agree. 😊
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